Community Project Update

We have secured five acres of land to use to support the community. The long term goals for this project include a variety of animal pens, a market, schools, and more. Here is what has been happening with the property recently:

Finished fencing the entire property

Completed the guard/storage house

Began a borehole to reach water

While fencing and a guard house may not seem like important structures here in the US, they are critical parts to this whole process in Malawi. Without clear boundaries to the property, neighbors are prone to move corner monuments to gain more land for their use. On top of protecting the land, having a guard connects the property to the community and provides a job with housing to a local community member.

Mwawo’s House

This house was built for the Mwawo family this summer. It was finished in July and dedicated in August when a group of us were able to be there.

Home Rebuild

This family’s house is inside a refugee camp. The picture shows what their living conditions used to look life, a lifestyle shared by thousands of refugees inside Malawi. Being able to live in a house with a solid roof instead of a straw one is life changing, as it works to keep the family healthy and dry throughout the intense rainy seasons.